Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday I'm in Love!

So although I was totally not wanting to wake up this morning it was one of those days that when I did finally drag my ass out of bed, I was giddy. This Friday seems extra especially needed I guess, after the way the week started. I get to leave early to go shopping for our Adopt an Angel at work. I hate hate hate shopping but it'll be fun to do so for someone else. Jake delivered his masterpiece (it is seriously the coolest thing I own by far!) on Wednesday and we're going tomorrow to get it framed which I'm super stoked about. We were supposed to go camping and I'm bummed that fell through but I just have a gut feeling this weekend is going to be fantastical. And on top of that, Lin's friend Dakota is having a party first holiday part of the season! Maybe its the holiday cheer, or the ridonkulous Rihanna song I have on repeat on my iPod, but I'm in an amazing mood. I wish I could bottle it up!

Jake's Masterpiece. I am SOOO in love! Can't wait to get it framed!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Since this week started off as SUCKAGE...

At least this made me smile later in the week!

For an overview of how my week started off, check out Lin's blog (over there to the right). Pancreantitis, kidney infections, dog attacks, it pretty much blew. But now everyone is out of the ER and stiched up and glad to be alive and well. And Ick got a great new winter coat which makes me laugh incessentantly and can be worn more often than the squirrel costume he had for Halloween. So I guess the week isn't a total loss.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Things I am Thankful For

I have no idea how it got to be Thanksgiving. I left for Africa and it was October and I got back and the weather had changed and holiday music was on the radio. And now it's the Wednesday before the big Turkey pig-out and more than ever I have so much to be thankful for. So I thought I'd make a list so that come January when I'm knee deep in snow and summer is literally months away, I can remember how blessed I actually am. Here goes:


1. A ridiculous amount of love in my life, from both family and friends and certain little puppy dogs. Particularly one that I'm pretty sure is my soulmate in canine form.

2. For having a job that is a calling and being able to FINALLY wake up every day and tackle my passions. For getting to experience the beauty and wonder and heartbreak that is Africa.

3. That Lindsey lives a ten minute metro ride away and Jacob lives within a stone throw of my new condo. I literally have the best relatives in the world.

4. That I have a new condo. And that I have family members who get a kick out of organizing closets and kitchen cabinets so I can be in charge of the beer distribution.

5. That I, and only I, get to determine who I will love, what I will do, where I will live and how my life plays out. As I have realized since working for CARE, there are so many people who have no say and it's an incredible blessing.

6. That my parents are the most absolutely supportive and encouraging people on the planet.

7. For my two godbabies, one of which came into my life this year.

8. For my two besties, one who had a baby this year and one who will have one early next year. I am so lucky to know such incredible people, and so happy they decided to procreate.

9. That Jon and Kate Plus 8 is off the air.

10. For Lindsey's Bourbon Apple Pie. And for boubon in general, especially when it's in the form of Paralyzing Punch.

11. For a year's worth of incredible travels.

12. For knowing people that inspire me to be a better person every day.

13. That Adam is no longer attending Clark family thanksgivings.

14. For living in an interesting and vibrant city that more than ten years after arriving, is still one of my favorite places in the world.

15. For 40 years of Tom and Nancy loving. Of all the things I am thankful for, there marriage has led to literally every good thing in my life. My perspective and passion for life and love, my sister's lack of an upper lip, the opportunity to be inspired and loved and blessed every day of my life.

The list goes on and on and I could not possible capture everything I am thankful for. I hope that your list and bellies this Thanksgiving are full. Happy holidays to everyone!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Fast Forward

To the week of thanksgiving. I am still in love with my job, spent two weeks in Africa, gave Hurley to Ms. Leticia, became a godmom (again!), bought a condo and am back in the city.

This is why I am so bad at writing in a diary. The day I skip becomes a week then a month and then I feel I have to go back to the beginning to bring everyone up to speed. But the truth is I'm just doing this for myself. And I saw Lindsey has been regularly updating her blog so I'm going to try this once again. But I'm sure I'll fail miserably. Oh well. I have finally decided to give Jake the guitar I bought for myself in high school seeing I have yet to learn how to play so maybe 2011 will be the year of the purge. But considering I just moved into a 380 square foot studio, I've been there done that.

Africa was life changing. I did blog while I was there, but on CARE's blog, Completely amazing. Africa loved me as much as I loved her and I cannot wait to go back. Now I'm settling back into a routine, looking forward to the long holiday weekend and spending time with my familia. I feel content with my life for the first time in a long time. Not just content but really truly happy. Not anxious or ready for the next big thing. Cause I'm doing it. It's a nice place to be. 2010 started off in a really sucky way, but it's turn to the best one yet. I'm thinking that 2011 is going to just straight up rock. And I'm good with that.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Life Changes

I'm going to just scratch this whole New Year's resolution thing. I obviously suck at it and will accept my weakness. I have strengths, this is just not one of them. :) Anyway, much has happened since I last wrote. I landed my DREAM JOB. Like since I was 11 dream. I am so excited. I just wrapped up my first week at CARE USA, a global humanitarian agency. I absolutely love the work they do and am thrilled to be part of such an amazing organization. It was a long road finding a job (almost 8 months!) and involved me moving back home, but every minute of waiting, every one of the nearly 45 interviews I went on, every email I sent, was totally worth it.

In less life changing, but also exciting news, I am the proud owner of a bike. For the first time in nearly 10 years. I love it! Katy had a beautiful baby girl Caden Claire who I get to meet in September. And for a family vacay this year, we're all going to Costa Rica!! 2010 started off as a real sucker, but the second half is turning out to be a real keeper!!

Our Hotel in CR (not to rub it in, or anything!) :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I can't stop staring at this photo

I am definitely a crazy dog lady. I LOVE MY DOGS!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Can I start 2010 over again?

So my resolution of blogging regularly seems to have come to a standstill. Along with my eating healthy resolution, organize the photo albums resolutions, etc. etc. So in order to get back on the band wagon, I figured I'd share a post that I had written for another blog, Pamela's Punch. Ever since being laid off, I've been going to a variety of events in the DC area and blogging about them. It's a great gig and has gotten me into a lot of cool events I would have never otherwise been to. So here's one of my recent posts. If anyone ever wants to be my plus one at one of these events, let me know. Lin can't go to everything. :)


Fiddler on the Roof

I should say right off the bat I’m not really a musical person. People singing to each other in real life? I find it hard to believe, although my sister would argue that I haven’t actually spoken to her in years, preferring to belt out sing-song conversations with her. Cats that dance, phantoms that haunt opera houses, though? I mean, honestly. We once saw Jekyll and Hyde on Broadway and I spent the whole time trying to restrain my laughter. Come on. Seeing a guy singing back and forth to his two personalities is a bit funny. Admit it. Now I know saying all this may be a tad sacrilegious, especially in a town as cultured as D.C., but I’s just how I feel. And I’ve paid a lot of money to people that have told me there is nothing wrong with feelings.

My sister, however, is a musical person. She’s seen Cats like 300 times (honestly) and knows every word to Les Miserables. She actually celebrated her 30th birthday this past week by taking herself to see Phantom in Baltimore. And she has moaned for weeks that she wanted to see Fiddler on the Roof, playing April 13th to May 9th at the National Theatre. So when I saw the email from Pamela looking for a reviewer for that very show, I slightly hesitantly jumped at the chance. I’m sure sitting through some two hours of people unrealistically singing at each other was something I could hold over Lindsey’s head for a good few months. Plus I had just given her a crappy card and a bottle of champagne and felt my present wasn’t up to par.

I have three words for what I thought. OH. MY. GOD.

First, I immediately put in an adoption request for Harvey Fierstein, who reprised his Broadway role as Tevye. I want to be related to that man. Can you imagine the fun we’d have over Thanksgiving dinner? Fierstein is simply iconic in this role, and incredibly funny to boot. From the moment the curtains raised and he stepped on stage, I was mesmerized. And to think going into the show, I thought he was the one who was having a baby with Marchesa designer Georgina Chapman. (That’s Harvey Weinstein.)

From Tradition to that song that Gwyn Stefani lifted from to the MAGICAL dream scene to the final scene, I was captivated. The lights, the costumes, the set, the performers, everything and everyone was spot-on perfect. I laughed until tears rolled down my cheeks and I didn’t even mind that Lindsey sang along the entire time. Actually when I discovered via Facebook that a friend was going tonight, I suggested that I be an understudy for her date, should he unfortunately come down with allergies. (Hey, the pollen is BAD right now!) I might even consider being one of those people that listen to musical soundtracks during road trips. It was THAT good.

I asked Lin what she thought of the performance during intermission. Her answer: “It’s *&%!-ing awesome.” When I told her I didn’t think that would be appropriate for a blog that’s read by several thousand people, she thought for a moment. “One of the best shows I’ve seen onstage in a long time,” she finally said. I have to admit though, both statements are true.

We ended our evening with a few glasses of wine and some appetizers down the street at M&S Grill. As we gushed to the bartender about how wonderful Fiddler had been and what a skeptic I was when it came to musicals, he chimed in. “I felt the same way until my wife made me go see Mamma Mia. It was amazing!” Now, I had to turn that movie off 30 minutes in. I love ABBA and all, but teenage girls running around and whining and singing is a bit much for me.

I guess I’m not a complete musical convert. Not yet anyway. Good to know things haven’t completed changed.

Tickets for Fiddler on the Roof, starting at $51.50, are on sale now at the National Theatre Box Office and through Telecharge at or by calling (800)447-7400. For groups of 15 or more, call (866)276-2947. For more information, call (202)628-6161 or visit

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Enough Already!

So apparently the snow monster is not satisfied with making my car undriveable by burying it in 20 cubic feet of snow. It's coming down AGAIN. And we're expected to have another 2 feet by this weekend. Good Lord Snow. Stop already!! It was fun at first, and it's forcing me to study. But it's also forcing me to stop going to the gym, drink inordinate amounts of alcohol and eat every starchy food I own. Plus all of my study sessions are being canceled and I'm LESS THAN TWO WEEKS OUT. Give it a rest will you? Just a little break? I'm going to gain 20 pounds by the time this ordeal is over, which is going to take me to winter 2012 to lose!

When I was still happy about the weather!!

What you eat during a blizzard!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowcalypse 2010!

As I write this, I am hunkered down with a bunch of Foreign Service study materials, lots of lit candles and three snuggly dogs. The snow outside is unreal, and it's not stopping. I was up at 8 am (THAT HASN'T HAPPENED SINCE NOVEMBER!), shoveled the walkway, made some coffee and took a shower. Not really sure why I'm being so productive as it's near impossible to leave the house. Although Lin, being the hard head that she is, decided to make the 4 mile round trip trek to go to yoga, which is amazingly enough open. So I'm left here with the dogs and case management memos. It's actually really nice. We took the dogs out this AM and poor Hurley is the only one who doesn't have an L.L. Bean jacket, and the only-non cotton item of clothing he owns is a ladybug costume. I'm sure if he spoke English it would include some derogatory statements towards his mother! Well back to the studying, but I hope all my East Coast peeps are safe and warm!!

My feet in the snow!

Shepherd Street

Hurley in his winter gear

Lin and Link brave the snow!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

100 posts in!

Woop woop!! This is my official 100th post as a blogger. BOOYAH. So sticking to my resolution of blogging, here I am again, Day 2. I also resolved to wake up early (10:15 is early yes?) and be more productive. So I'm having my morning coffee and drinking a slim fast (resolution ad nauseum) and getting ready for the day. Apparently rumors are swirling around of yet ANOTHER snow blizzard this weekend. Ughness. It's beautiful and all, but really? I need to be able to leave the house. So hopefully it's not the monster storm of 2010 but more like a light dusting.

I've got lots to do so I'll keep it short, but I'll leave you with my daily thought from the Universe. If you haven't signed up for these puppies I highly suggest you do. Just google TUT Thoughts from the Universe. They are priceless. Here's mine for today:

Every day, Niki, someone new falls in love with you.

Sometimes many more.

You can't deny it,
The Universe

Nice way to start the day yes?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2010..a month later

So besides the normal exercise more, eat healthier bull crap I pull every year, I also resolve starting February 2nd to blog more. Didn't want to be one of those band wagoners that would have fallen off by now by starting January 1. And it's not like anyone ever reads my blog, I just like keep a journaling of my daily happenings. It's fun to look back at older blogs and see how far (or how little!) i've come. Biggest news on the horizon is that I take my Foreign Service Oral exams in less than 3 weeks. OH MY GOD. I have a PACKED few weeks ahead of study sessions, talking to myself in the mirror, memorizing flashcards, etc. As I may have mentioned, I got laid off early November so lucky me, I've gots lots of daytime to study. So keep your fingers crossed. In other news, my bestest best girlfriend Katherine is expecting her first little girl in May. I CANNOT WAIT. I know it will be the most beautiful creature to grace the planet and can't wait to be auntie bitsy. Otherwise life is going swimmingly. I am healthy, the family is good. The only downspot is that my beautiful grandma passed away on January 6th. But even that is good when looked at the right way because she died in her sleep peacefully and we had the most amazing Christmas with her in St. Augustine, Fla. I miss her dearly but know I've got another guardian angel looking out for me up there.

Things to look forward to 2010 (my best one yet, I just know it!):

* Finding a job I love (whether it be FS or elsewhere)
* Hurley finally being housetrained
* Lots of love and friendship
* Katy and Todd's baby girl
* More running (no more marathons)
* A fabulous vacation that is yet to be determined
* Lindsey's 30th birthday
* Sarah Stein's wedding festivities
* The Saints winning the superbowl (IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN!!)
* Learning Italian

Hope 2010 is treating all of you dear 8 readers (if I haven't lost you yet!) with much joy, love and like all of us in DC, lots and lots of snow!!!