Monday, November 23, 2009

And Scene!

After promising myself for more than 6 years I was going to do a fifth marathon, I finally completed my goal on Sunday. Woop!! Since I promised Mom it would be my last, I'll have to move on to half marathons, but I feel such a since of accomplishment. I hadn't run in like 3 weeks, the last of which because I have the flu, but it's over and I finished!! Nothing quite like meeting your goals!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

No Business Like New Business

So the reason I haven't written lately is because I've been really busy. And a bit lazy. And not having much of anything to write about. And no offense to my dear readers, but there are like 3 of you. Nobody's banging down my door if it's been a month. But I have been really busy. I've been pitch coordinator (fancy word for queen organizer) for a new business proposal we've been working on. And just delivered. Two hours ago. There is something a bit exciting about working night after night on deadline, chained to your desk, ordering delivery and pounding away at a goal. Sounds awful as I read this, but it's true. I really enjoy it. Thank God. Because I've been doing a whole lot of it lately. Last night I was here until 230 am. One perk? I get to go home early and fall asleep when its done and NO ONE will say anything about it. The downside? I haven't exercised once this week and have eaten way too much crap. Then again, can pizza and quesadillas really be considered downsides?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What I'd Like to Be When I Grow Up. Today at Least.

A Street Graffiti Photographer. I bet they don't sit at a desk for 8 hours a day. Hmmmm.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Turkey Day in El Salvador?

So last year's Thanksgiving was a bit of a bummer so I was thinking of changing it up this year and taking myself on Vacation. I make an excellent companion, afterall! :) So after my initial plans of Honduras went down the tubes with the stupid Coup, I was looking at other beachy type places in Central America. Our family friend, Ms. Letitia, who has a home in El Salvador, offered up her place for me and my Cousin the bread baker to stay. Woop Woop! So has anybody been? We're thinking of flying into Guatemala and checking out Antigua and then driving/busing it the short 200 miles to San Salvador. I'm so excited!! I feel the more I travel, the more I go nutso if I don't have a next trip to plan!! Next weekend: Vegas for Molly's reception. Can't wait!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back in the Running Groove

So as I may have mentioned in a previous post, I decided to run the Philadelphia Marathon in November. I've been talking about doing a fifth one forever and decided to finally stop yapping and start running. It's been a little under 6 years (YIKES) since I ran my last marathon and things are definitely much harder this time around. My longest to date was just 10 miles last weekend, so the physical toll DURING the run doesn't seem so bad. I haven't been MISERABLE yet. My pace seems to be much slower, but I was never in this to be fast. And my ADD, which has gotten worse as I get older, only helps in this...Oh look at that cool tree, what a neat store, I've never seen that before, is that a nickel? On and on. But it's been going pretty well. At least while I'm running. Once I stop I have problems with joints that I didn't know I had. Or at least never worried about before. For example, my knees are killing me! I dropped my shampoo in the shower the other day and it took me like 4 minutes to bend over and get it. Ouch! Getting old is not as pretty as I once imagined. And I'm only 31! Ugh. Good thing this will be my last marathon. I'm switching to short and sweet tris when I'm done. That way, hopefully, if my knees don't give out, I can (sort of) go out with some dignity.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Wishing I was Elsewhere

So I always thought of Hawaii as a bit cheesy. I guess too many Blue Elvis movies. I was excited to go but had no idea that every single molecule in my body would fall head over heels IN LOVE with this place. It was so wonderful and incredible and grand and so many more adjectives I would have to look up to use! The past two days I've had an incredibly hard time getting up (not just the time change, going back to work has been excruciating!) and facing reality once again. I keep telling myself I am so blessed to have gone. But all I keep thinking is I WANT TO GO BACK!! NOW! I'm finishing up my photo edits of the most beautiful couple ever, and will post some as soon as I do. In the meantime, here is one that represents the best of Hawaii for doing JACK in the most beautiful locale!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Just a few quick pics before I hit the hay. It has literally been a 24 hour day. I woke up at 5 am and it's now 5:30 am East Coast time. But I can barely's way too beautiful here. I am soooo blessed!! More updates to come!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I did it again. I lost my phone. I have no idea where or how. One moment I had it, the other it had disappeared into thin air. Thing is I leave tomorrow for Hawaii (WHOOP!) so I don't have time to order a new one through my insurance. So I will be phoneless for like 2 weeks. It's not that I'm frustrated about talking to people, although it will make it hard to rub it in my sister's nose that I'm in Hawaii and she's not if I can't call her. But seriously, how will I be able to update my facebook status from the beach? :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Apparently Perez Hilton agrees with me about Miike Snow. I saw this just as I finished that last post....

My NPR Playlist

Okay, so I am a full-blown NPR nerd. I listen to it all day, every day. If I'm not listening to the program stream at work, I'm listening to music that I discovered via NPR. So I figured that I might as well share my discoveries with my vast readership. :) Here's this week's favorite song!!

Two Weeks by Grizzly Bear

I have also been grooving on Miike Snow, an amazing Swedish group that was recently featured on NPR's World Cafe. I've got their album, the self-title Miike Snow, on repeat. I highly recommend it.

My other recent listens/discoveries (realizing that I may have discovered this artists WAAAY after everyone else has, but oh well!):

Sarah Jarosz, an 18-year old bluegrass dynamo!

Relator, a single by Pete Yorn and Scarlett Johansson. I was surprised how good she is!

The Blow, a Portland-based band that does an amazing rendition (at least for the chorus of their song, Come on Petunia) of the Police's Everything Little Thing She Does is Magic.

As I continue my musical journey, I'll be sure to share it with you. Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

In one week

In one week from today, I will be en route to Honolulu where I will then meet up with one of my oldest, dearest friends and begin celebrating her wedding weekend! We'll drink and eat and then head to Lanai, where I have plans for a massage on the beach, snorkeling, and general merriment. Then back to Oahu to visit Leo and learn to surf while hugging on her two beautiful little girls!! Last time I saw them, Bridget was probably 3 and Greta a newborn! Can't wait!!

In other news, I went for my first run with my nike sportsband last night and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. so cool. I'll definitely be taking it with me to Hawaii. Hey, I need some way to burn off the many Mai Tais I plan on partaking in!

Friday, July 24, 2009

I'm Just Saying

My view on life in 11 days.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Things I'm EXCITED About!

* 14 Days until I leave for Hawaii
* The arrival of my new Nike sports band tomorrow
* Free lunch today at consumer meeting
* Tonight's run around the Capitol with Lin
* New books from
* Leftover falafel stirfry
* This week's delivery from
* Jason Mraz and G. Love this Saturday
* My pretty pink toesies from Sunday's pedicure

It's a pretty good day for excitement!

My New Nike Sports band!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Too bad he's married

Because I would TOTALLY marry Jimmy Fallon after watching this clip of Rob Pattison and Daniel Radcliffe reviewing each other's movies....

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Goal Check Off #1

So for the past 6 years, basically since my last marathon in 2003, I've been saying I'm going to do another marathon. Something about the number 5 sounds so much better to me than 4. Once I hit five, then I'll switch over to triathlons, or even better, just go to spin class on regular basis, but I have always felt the need to do 5. So yesterday, I signed up for my fifth, the Philadelphia Marathon on November 22nd. Now I know signing up for one and doing one isn't quite the same thing, but it's a necessary step. I've got lots and LOTS of training ahead of me, but I'm super pumped. And although I was cursing DeWitz and Stein last week our entire 4.5 mile run, I'm sure I'll remember to love running again real soon. I better. Otherwise, this is going to S.U.C.K.

I'm Sorry. Really.

This was the face that greeted me this morning. Two minutes later, I found the reason he was looking so sorry. UGH.

Monday, July 13, 2009

What Elton John sounds like from outside the gates!

While we didn't score tickets to see Elton John and Billy Joel this past weekend, Lin and I did sit right outside the gates of Nationals Stadium and listen. IT WAS AMAZING. And although our view of EJ/BJ was pretty much non-existent, we did have a GREAT view of a really crazy lady doing the crocodile rock.

If you listen very, very closely, you'll hear Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Phenomenous!

23 days

I have 23 days or 552 hours or 33,120 minutes or 1,987,200 seconds until Hawaii!!!! Oh, now it's 1,987,190 seconds!! I CANNOT WAIT.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Boom Boom Pow!

After a wonderful weekend of camping, American Honey in a crump chalice, fishing, burning my skin, the world's best fried egg sandwich and dips in the lake, I joined my sister on her rooftop to watch the DC fireworks. This Saturday, we'll be up there listening to Billy Joel and Elton John play at the Nats stadium right across the street. It's the happening place to be!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Me. In a Tent. YAHHH!

So a bunch of us decided the best way to celebrate a three-day weekend is to drive 2 hours to Lake Anna, which our weekly happy hour bartender yesterday told us is right next to a nuclear power reactor plant (Whoop for warm water!), and go camping for the night. Although we will be there less than 24 hours, you would think we're prepping for a cross country trek. DeWitz and I went to the grocery last night to pile up on smores, breakfast and sandwich foods, crap mags (hey I don't want to get bored in the car!) and I'm soooo excited. Sitting around the fire, sipping my new fave liquor, American Honey, and generally getting into trouble. Sounds like a blast. I'll take plenty of pics and post them when I get back. Happy Fourth of July to all!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

What the hey hey did we do?

So this past week my phone died on me. The port thingamajib that I stuck the charger in broke somehow and I was out of a phone for some 4-5 days before my replacement came. (THANK GOD FOR INSURANCE!) So although I had a wonderful time with my Dad on Sunday, knowing with Mom out of town he'd be at home all weekend catching up on his honey-dos, I didn't do jack all weekend because it's impossible to coordinate anything with anybody when you can't call them. Plus my sister was out of town too--and Lin we need to discuss how you and Mom CANNOT go out of town at the same time again!! How in the world did people ever do anything before cell phones? It really makes you wonder. Now granted, I did have a really nice weekend. I slept until 11:30 (hey, my cell is also my alarm clock!), I went for a 2 hour hike through Rock Creek Park, I walked the dogs about 15 times and did every single piece of laundry in the basket. And like I said, I just lucked out knowing my Dad would be home because usually he and Mom are running ALL OVER town on the weekends. Today, my new phone arrived and I realize while at first it's disconcerting not to have a phone, it's kinda like not wearing a watch. After a while it becomes pretty liberating.

But then again, there's no more laundry to do and I've read all my crap magazines, and it's nice to have a connection to the outside world once again.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Reliving my past lives

So now that the majority of boxes have been unpacked, I'm left with the little tasks. Going through Christmas decorations to decide if I really want to keep (and therefore store) that ceramic snowman. Color coordinating my closet. You get the idea. Last night was the finally put away photographs that have lived in a box for 6 years in an album. There is something truly cathardic about reliving your past. I've been so blessed to have been so many places, and to live so many places. I filled one album with photos from a beer trip to Prague and Budapest, Thanksgiving in San Diego, my life in Oregon, South of the Border and Charleston. In reliving those lives, which seem somehow so distant and so like yesterday at the same time, I always realize how much I'm enjoying my life right now. I have a tendency to hover in the past. And even as I write this, I receive a phone call from my past, which makes it even harder to focus on the now. But the now is so fleeting, and pretty soon my albums will be filled with photos from my now. And I'm learning to grasp the present, and how very great it actually is.

Monday, June 1, 2009

What Genius Looks Like

Thanks Emily for alerting me to the wonder that is the Literal Video Version!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Living By Yourself Means Being Alone. A LOT!

So one of the things I didn't really quite think through on the whole living solo is the fact that I'd be solo, in fact, quite a bit. If anyone knows me at all, they know this has to be one of the most challenging things for me to do. When we were kids, Lin could play by herself in the closet with a plastic dinosaur, for say, 3 days. Me, I got bored in like 2 minutes if I wasn't being entertained by someone. So I am learning how to savor the nowness of me. Sure, it's a bit easier since I'm surrounded with about 300 boxes screaming my name to unpack them, that's served as a bit of a distraction. But once I finish, which hopefully will be sometime before Christmas, then I'll really have to learn how to be alone. Which, sometimes, can be lonely. And other times, which is what I'm hoping to learn, is the best thing of all.

Monday, May 18, 2009

How Could I Forget??

How could I possibly forget?? In the time between my last blog, I have become the sole renter of my own apartment. The truck comes Saturday and I've been moving stuff slowly over, but it's adorable and all my very own!! Can't wait to share after pics....Here's some befores...

My new bathroom with bowl sink (fancy!!) and italian tile flooring

View of the Kitchen

Bedroom with french doors

Another view of kitchen

Living Room

31.31 and champagne slumber parties

So Saturday I turned the big 31. Lin had planned a slumber party out at Sarah Stein's house but as it turned out, only Lin and Hill and I could go. Everyone else was out of town, working, nothing unusual. We're a busy group. But when we got there, everyone, and I mean everyone! jumped out of the closet and surprised me! I am so blessed to have such awesome friends. I think I cried for about 30 minutes. We had such a blast! Apples to Apples (leafblowers are deadly!!), champagne, Step it Up, carrot cake cupcakes, and the best friends a girl could imagine. Plus, Lin created a "Do You Know Niki" game that cracked us all up! It was perfect. And even when we went to Bloom for more champagne, my total was $31.31! Serendipity. I got birthday wishes from friends near and far, and I just can't imagine how I could be any more blessed. Lin even gave me a BEAUTIMOUS canary diamond (in the raw) ring that is so unique and so special. Many pictures to come soon, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU once again for everyone's wishes. I feel like I really have a new leash on life and am swimming in happiness and love!!!

My New "I'm Married to My Sis Sis" Ring!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Beach Week(end) 09

I had a bit of trepidation of how I was going to deal with this weekend. Was I going to be super upset? Would everything be clouded over by this little gnawing fact that I was supposed to be saying I do instead of hanging out with the fam in Delaware? Although I think there was a moment or two that my emotions were a bit overwhelming, all in all it was an awesome weekend.

I woke up to a text that said I was the proud owner of my very first apartment ALL BY MYSELF!! Being 31, this seems like it should have happened before but somehow I've missed out on this and have always lived with someone. And i get to move in starting next weekend, so I am sooo very excited. It's adorable. I'll post some pics once I get settled in. It was a bit overcast so we decided to head to a local bar which was celebrating it's 10th anniversary with $3.50 margaritas, which was a ton of fun. I also bought myself a super cool necklace. There's nothing like retail therapy! There was a tear or two at the bar whenever my mind would wander but my great brother-in-law cheered me up and we all agreed it was an incredible new beginning.

Later that night, we all marked the occasion at 6 pm with a little toast and continued to bet on the Kentucky Derby which was finally getting started. And guess who won? Fate was on my side and I won my first horse bet, a whopping $35 which both paid for my necklace and the baseball game we're going to tomorrow. This morning after a run on the beach, we hit the road. It was a bittersweet weekend, but I had a great time and I am so very blessed to have such an amazing family. I may not have spent much time on the beach, but it was just the weekend I needed. I think somebody up there has something special planned for me!

Way back in April....

I saw my boyfriend Ben (Gibbard) at DAR Constitution Hall. I was slightly disappointed (although the show was excellent) to discover he'd lost a ton of weight. And gotten contacts! I know that's the oppposite of a typical reaction, but the pudgy face, glasses look has always appealed to me. It must Zoey's persuasions. Anyway, lucky me, his voice is just as amazing as ever!

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Ponderings and Contemplations. And Mudslides

So this weekend we're heading off to the beach. Originally I think it started as a "Niki called off her wedding, let's make her feel better," kind of deal. But now I am in such a great place in my life, there's no reason to sit around and mourn for the past. So it's turn more into a "My unicorn kite is going to kick your $120 kite's bee-hind, Hillary's bday bash, Erik better make those friggin mud slides because I'm bringing the Big Gulp mug," type of thing. I AM SO EXCITED. Speaking of being in a good place, I really am. I've been taking some really good photos lately, if I say so myself, and I feel myself slowly returning to my roots. Albeit my mom would complain my "Hippie" roots, it'a a nice place to be, recognizing your old self, you know? And speaking of roots, I also am a radiant shade of blonde which makes my whole head sparkle and my heart swell.

Am I rambling? Perhaps. Lin just said I needed to update my blog and by God, i don't want to turn into a Jacob. Overall, life is going just peachy. Work is busy busy busy but it makes the days go fast and the job security go up. Lastly, my friend Sara D. and I did the first race I've done in like 80 bagillion years on Sunday. Granted it was a 5k but you have to start somewhere and it was awesome. It made for the start of a perfect day. Life is good. I have no idea what tomorrow will look like, where I'll be or who I'll love or what I'll do, but surprises are nice sometimes. Especially since Mom and Lin can't keep a secret from me to save their lives.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lucky I was an A+ Student!!

So last night I get a call from one of my oldest and dearest friends, Molly Raftery. We met in the 6th grade, when, as the new student, it was discovered she made straight As. So did I, so OBVIOUSLY we must be best friends. She's been a blessing in my life ever since. So anyway, Miss Molly calls and asks me, if, she flys me out to Hawaii and puts me up at the Four Seasons, will I be her wedding photographer!! Can you believe? I am soooo honored and sooo excited and cannot wait to be part of her special day!! I GET TO GO ON A HONEYMOON ANYWAY THIS YEAR!! Thank you my dearest Molly for making my year. I love you so much and am so blessed to have you as a friend!!

Though not nearly as far away, Philadelphia is another a beautiful place. We took a short 3 hour road trip last weekend to visit our friend Shannon who lives in the cutest neighborhood right downtown. It was a whirlwind trip but so much fun and I'm already making plans to go back in June. Here are a few pics of our short weekend....

Posing with Rocky in front of the Philly Art Museum

Coffee Shop Details in Philly

Brancusi Sculpture at the Museum

All the girls!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Anything to Make a Buck

Oh, and I saw this in the Winn Dixie. LSU Water? Is this like Kabbalah water? You can't help but getting caught up in Tiger Spirit however, being down here. I got myself an LSU cap at Walmart for like $3. Does it matter I didn't go there? No. I know about 50 people that did and saw Mike the Tiger (or one of his various versions) on more than one occasion. Drinking the water though? Not so much.

How I Managed to Eat 5 times in 3 Hours. Or Life in the South.

So I think my journey through Mississippi (and a brief trip to Mandeville) via my stomach is finally catching up with me. Last night we had crawfish (YAH!) at a place called the Dock in Biloxi. This morning we woke up, went for a run that burned off the first .25 pounds of my meal from last night, and headed for a quick visit to the Northshore. Sally and I grabbed a salad from Coffee Rani, then managed to squeeze in PJs, Fat Tuesdays, and Walmart and Target (some things never change) in less than 2 hours. Oh and how could I forget Papa Sam's, my favorite snowball stand EN EL MUNDO!!. We also got to swing by the old house in Mandeville which looks exactly the same, although that was about all in Mandeville that did. We then took a drive past SSA and the lake front. It was definitely a whirlwind day. When I met back up with the fam, did the fact that I had consumed 4 different things stop us from going to Morton's for fried oysters, shrimp, catfish and of course, more crawfish? HELL NO. Afterwards we grabbed yet another daiquiri for the road and now I sit in the hotel room feeling more-than-slightly ill and looking forward to a week of Slim Fasts. Mom laughs at me, with a look that says, "You have another 18 hours before the plane takes off, we've got a good 3 more meals left!"

Salad Rani. Lettuce and 8 pounds of cheese. YUM.

So my ever-so-brief high school boyfriend wasn't behind the counter serving like he was circa 1996, but PJ's is still delicious!

Who doesn't follow up ice mochas with White Russians? Besides those who are avoiding a future of diabetes of course...

Half cupcake, half wedding cake, A WHOLE POUND OF SUGAR.

Once my sugar shelf was filled to capacity, we moved on to the fried shelf. It was empty, thank goodness, but not for long!

Me and my beloved mudbug!!

Lin and I were wondering how we ever managed to live in Louisiana for some 18 odd years without weighing 400 pounds. My mom chimed in, "Um you didn't try to eat every single thing Louisiana has to offer during a 3 day weekend." Oh, yeah.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Who Doesn't Love a Beer Called Southern Pecan?

Maybe someone whose taste buds have been permanently removed by too much Bud Light, but as far as I'm concerned, I have one word...YUM. In addition to my Lazy Magnolia Brewery ale (which I have to mention I LOVE SOUTHERN PRICING!! My beer was $1.75!), I also enjoyed a lunch of Crawfish Etouffee followed by delicious bread pudding at Mary Mahoneys, a restaurant on the beach that's been around since the mid 1700s. I had a work teleconference this AM that extended until noon, so my morning run didn't happen, but I think i'd have to run a half marathon anyway to burn off all this food. It's not enough to stop us though; we're about to head off to $20 all-you-can-eat crawfish and some more Southern Pecan. Tomorrow Sally Sinor and Cafe Rani or Semolina's. Plus it's 70 degrees, does life get any better?

A little crawfish etouffee...

Followed by a warm bread pudding...

And the best bargain this side of the Mississippi!

The Gastro Journey Continues

Hey. The only Sonic in Virginia is way out in someplace like Ashburn. Who lives out there?? (Stein!!)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Left My Heart (and Stomach) in the South

So Lin, Mom and I are taking a trip to visit my MawMaw in Biloxi with a brief day jaunt to Mandeville. Is it such an awful thing that instead of agendas full of museums or jazz bars or any of the numerous cultural experiences the South has to offer, that we've completely and totally planned our trip around eating? Smoothie King for an early lunch, Shrimp Poboys for a late lunch, Daiquris for an early dinner, crawfish etouffee for a late get my drift. I cannot begin to describe how much the food of Lousiana and Mississippi are part of my DNA, part of my actual essence of being. So I will show you the pictures. For the next few days, you can go on a visual gastro journey with me. You might not benefit from the delectability, but you won't come home 10 pounds heavier either...

Everything tastes better fried!

58 ounces of fruit is healthy, right?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Oman O MAN

Let me just say, I LOVE living in Washington, DC. (shut up lindsey, it's close enough!) Last night, Lin and I had a sister sister date (because we don't see each other enough and we don't spend every waking second IMing each other) at the Kennedy Center to see Debbie Allen's Oman O Man dance production. It was so cool. The play itself had its cheesier moments (one whole song was dedicated to how much woman in America and Oman LOVED their cultures so much and everyone loved being themselves, and we're all so happy, if you get my drift), but overall, just being at the Kennedy Center, seeing these amazingly talented dancers and singers (one couldn't have been older than 5) was really quite an experience.

Tia and Tamara!

Debbie Allen!!

And because I love my city so much, AND I love agendas, I thought I'd list the other really cool things I was going to do this weekend:

1. Eat Sushi in Gallery place with the girls. Drink wine and badmouth any female we know that's not present. Except Sarah Stein. She knows she's a flake, so there's no use talking about it. :)

2. Go see a Rollerderby game. How cool is this? I hope, however, (as I learned with Sally Sinor, I am TERRIFIED OF ROLLERSKATES) that I am not put into a swim meet frozen state of paranoia and have to be escorted out the stadium.

3. Go Out on the town for a girlfriend's bday party. Probably on U street somewhere where I hope to use my charms to get a free drink or too. Kidding. Referencing another friend. :)

4. Having the girls (including SARAH STEIN!!) over for brunch after a brief slow mostly for purposes of gossip jog.

YAH FOR GREAT WEEKENDS! happy friday to all!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My New Recession Coffee

So Lin came to visit me yesterday after a nearby doctor's appointment and I asked her to bring me a latte. She walked in my office with both my coffee and a dropped jaw. "When did coffee become so friggin expensive?" she said as I handed her over my last $5 bill for the week. I mostly drink the office coffee but sometimes you need to treat yourself. Unfortunately, it's a pricey treat for a 10 minute enjoyment. Anyway, I was on the way to the metro this AM and passed a McD's. Thought I'd give their new upscale coffee line a shot. I have one word---YUMMY. Not only was my sugarfree vanilla skim latte delicioso, it cost me $2.50. For a grande. BUT I GOT TO ORDER IT AS A MEDIUM. Which was awesome because McDonald's still speaks coffee english. No Ventis here! It's a large!! YAH! Anyway, I'll stop sounding like a bad advertisement I was just so excited. Unfortunately, the nearest McDonald's I have to drive to, whereas Starbucks is located on every street corner in the city. What I make up for in coffee savings I spend in gas money. I can't catch a break!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

My Latest Obsession

So I know has been around forever in online terms, but over the past few weeks, as I have mutated from joint money perspectives to "It's all mine and I can buy whatever I want with no thoughts on anyone else!!" (healthy, I know), I have started collecting "favorites" that I name "once a months." If I completely let myself buy into this new mind set, I'd be broke in 3 days. So I've decided once a month, I can buy myself a little something from etsy. If you haven't checked out etsy, DO IT NOW. And I thought was great. Hah!

Here are some of my "Once a Months." I mean where else can you find a cardboard deer??

Cardboard Buck

Colored Rings (To replace my rainbow ring Deke Shipp broke like 9 years ago)

Chandelier Purse

Piles of Wood Print

French Blue Chandelier

Gold Fiber Chain

Bird Brooch

Bed Head Print

I don't know if my likely 400 square foot new place will accomodate all my "once a months" (i've got PLENTY more), but a woman can dream can't she?