Thursday, July 30, 2009


Apparently Perez Hilton agrees with me about Miike Snow. I saw this just as I finished that last post....

My NPR Playlist

Okay, so I am a full-blown NPR nerd. I listen to it all day, every day. If I'm not listening to the program stream at work, I'm listening to music that I discovered via NPR. So I figured that I might as well share my discoveries with my vast readership. :) Here's this week's favorite song!!

Two Weeks by Grizzly Bear

I have also been grooving on Miike Snow, an amazing Swedish group that was recently featured on NPR's World Cafe. I've got their album, the self-title Miike Snow, on repeat. I highly recommend it.

My other recent listens/discoveries (realizing that I may have discovered this artists WAAAY after everyone else has, but oh well!):

Sarah Jarosz, an 18-year old bluegrass dynamo!

Relator, a single by Pete Yorn and Scarlett Johansson. I was surprised how good she is!

The Blow, a Portland-based band that does an amazing rendition (at least for the chorus of their song, Come on Petunia) of the Police's Everything Little Thing She Does is Magic.

As I continue my musical journey, I'll be sure to share it with you. Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

In one week

In one week from today, I will be en route to Honolulu where I will then meet up with one of my oldest, dearest friends and begin celebrating her wedding weekend! We'll drink and eat and then head to Lanai, where I have plans for a massage on the beach, snorkeling, and general merriment. Then back to Oahu to visit Leo and learn to surf while hugging on her two beautiful little girls!! Last time I saw them, Bridget was probably 3 and Greta a newborn! Can't wait!!

In other news, I went for my first run with my nike sportsband last night and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. so cool. I'll definitely be taking it with me to Hawaii. Hey, I need some way to burn off the many Mai Tais I plan on partaking in!

Friday, July 24, 2009

I'm Just Saying

My view on life in 11 days.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Things I'm EXCITED About!

* 14 Days until I leave for Hawaii
* The arrival of my new Nike sports band tomorrow
* Free lunch today at consumer meeting
* Tonight's run around the Capitol with Lin
* New books from
* Leftover falafel stirfry
* This week's delivery from
* Jason Mraz and G. Love this Saturday
* My pretty pink toesies from Sunday's pedicure

It's a pretty good day for excitement!

My New Nike Sports band!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Too bad he's married

Because I would TOTALLY marry Jimmy Fallon after watching this clip of Rob Pattison and Daniel Radcliffe reviewing each other's movies....

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Goal Check Off #1

So for the past 6 years, basically since my last marathon in 2003, I've been saying I'm going to do another marathon. Something about the number 5 sounds so much better to me than 4. Once I hit five, then I'll switch over to triathlons, or even better, just go to spin class on regular basis, but I have always felt the need to do 5. So yesterday, I signed up for my fifth, the Philadelphia Marathon on November 22nd. Now I know signing up for one and doing one isn't quite the same thing, but it's a necessary step. I've got lots and LOTS of training ahead of me, but I'm super pumped. And although I was cursing DeWitz and Stein last week our entire 4.5 mile run, I'm sure I'll remember to love running again real soon. I better. Otherwise, this is going to S.U.C.K.

I'm Sorry. Really.

This was the face that greeted me this morning. Two minutes later, I found the reason he was looking so sorry. UGH.

Monday, July 13, 2009

What Elton John sounds like from outside the gates!

While we didn't score tickets to see Elton John and Billy Joel this past weekend, Lin and I did sit right outside the gates of Nationals Stadium and listen. IT WAS AMAZING. And although our view of EJ/BJ was pretty much non-existent, we did have a GREAT view of a really crazy lady doing the crocodile rock.

If you listen very, very closely, you'll hear Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Phenomenous!

23 days

I have 23 days or 552 hours or 33,120 minutes or 1,987,200 seconds until Hawaii!!!! Oh, now it's 1,987,190 seconds!! I CANNOT WAIT.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Boom Boom Pow!

After a wonderful weekend of camping, American Honey in a crump chalice, fishing, burning my skin, the world's best fried egg sandwich and dips in the lake, I joined my sister on her rooftop to watch the DC fireworks. This Saturday, we'll be up there listening to Billy Joel and Elton John play at the Nats stadium right across the street. It's the happening place to be!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Me. In a Tent. YAHHH!

So a bunch of us decided the best way to celebrate a three-day weekend is to drive 2 hours to Lake Anna, which our weekly happy hour bartender yesterday told us is right next to a nuclear power reactor plant (Whoop for warm water!), and go camping for the night. Although we will be there less than 24 hours, you would think we're prepping for a cross country trek. DeWitz and I went to the grocery last night to pile up on smores, breakfast and sandwich foods, crap mags (hey I don't want to get bored in the car!) and I'm soooo excited. Sitting around the fire, sipping my new fave liquor, American Honey, and generally getting into trouble. Sounds like a blast. I'll take plenty of pics and post them when I get back. Happy Fourth of July to all!!