So Lin, Mom and I are taking a trip to visit my MawMaw in Biloxi with a brief day jaunt to Mandeville. Is it such an awful thing that instead of agendas full of museums or jazz bars or any of the numerous cultural experiences the South has to offer, that we've completely and totally planned our trip around eating? Smoothie King for an early lunch, Shrimp Poboys for a late lunch, Daiquris for an early dinner, crawfish etouffee for a late get my drift. I cannot begin to describe how much the food of Lousiana and Mississippi are part of my DNA, part of my actual essence of being. So I will show you the pictures. For the next few days, you can go on a visual gastro journey with me. You might not benefit from the delectability, but you won't come home 10 pounds heavier either...

Everything tastes better fried!

58 ounces of fruit is healthy, right?
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