1. I have a strong fear of being trapped under ice, dive meets and boxing movies.
2. My dogs' teefs are prettier than your dogs' teefs. Bet you $50.
3. If I were on a desert island, I would want to have triscuits, my mom's hummus (which is sabre but i'm usually two cheap to buy it), Martika and Diet Doctor Thunder. And my dogs. And crap magazines. I don't think i'd be any good on a desert island.
4. I still hold up my hands to see what hand is left (it spells an "L".)
5. I have benefactor who has taken me across the world on extravagant trips.
6. I do everything my sister does.
7. I am way too dependent on my mother.
8. I pray all the time to have curly hair and be able to sing. I discovered the curly, more like wavy, hair at 30, so who knows?
9. I love Mariah's All I Want for Christmas, I despise all of her other songs.
10. I have seen Glitter. And Crossroads, for that matter. Multiple times.
11. I feel a special kinship with Britney because her hometown produced the bottled water I use to drink in Louisiana.
12. Although I am immensely enjoying myself creating this list, I know it's because it only strokes the ego, something I'm trying to get rid of after reading Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth.
13. I did some pretty turdy things in high school and am glad that YouTube was not prevalent then.
14. I have a facebook friend that I have known since i was 4. I keep in touch with pretty much everyone I've ever met.
15. I cry at commercials. And at least once a day.
16. I like stars. Both on ceilings and bottoms.
17. I have done some really dumb things for a $10 bill. But I guess its the price you pay for having a Benefactor. She has spent her adult life trying to make up for how she treated me in college. :)
18. My southern accent only comes out when i'm drunk or with my momma. Or drunk with my momma.
19. My boyfriend has that thing on the back of diet coke cans. Phyllalanine. Or something like that. Before meeting him, I always wanted to date someone that was because I thought it sounded so interesting.
20. I share a birthday with Tori Spelling, Janet Jackson and Tracy Gold. I kept a calendar for a year of celebrity birthdays taken from Entertainment Tonight (before internet) to find out Emilio Estevez's birthday.
21. I wore a necklace of him around my neck for my entire 7th grade year. I was a bit of a dramatic kid.
22. I think God has a plan for us all and I'm being led by him everyday.
23. I was supposed to go to Turkmenistan for the Peace Corps but decided not to because of a boy and my mother's claim that if I went i'd take 15 years off her life. It still is my biggest dream.
24. I send out at least 80 postcards on every trip I take over 4 days.
25. I wanted to be a National Geographic photographer since i was 7. I still love photo and have a photo business, see2photography.com, with my sister.
26. EXTRA BONUS. My sister will do one of these once i tag her and hers will be the most profound and funny one you've ever read. I try but this stuff in her DNA.
And since I haven't included a photo in a couple of posts, here is proof that turtlenecks flatter EVERYONE.

1 comment:
Agreed. A New Earth is life changing and positively mind altering. Easy in theory, but challenging to practice. It's one of my all time favorites. p.s. I just figured out how to subscribe to your blog p.p.s. you have a benefactor ?
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