So I don't really sharing with my dedicated readership of 7 (we're growing!) that I see a doctor. Not just a cough, sniff doctor, or as lin calls it a "scoot down" doctor, but a Sopranos type doctor. I'm not crazy (shhhh!) I just have trouble dealing with my emotions sometimes. It gets old crying at the Super Bowl commercials. Now I am an emotional person by nature, so I have no problems being a tad more sensitive than the average gal. But when your emotions start dictating your life, you want to reign it in. Just a bit. So I started seeing someone. And although it's sometimes hard to concentrate because he looks exactly how I would imagine Ross Gellar would look if he were French or Lebanese, it's pretty interesting. Anyway, he suggested I keep a mood journal. So for the past few days, I have been writing down how I feel. It was kind of odd at first, but I'm starting to get into the groove and it's nice to stop for just a few minutes to reflect on your day. I've been kinda combining it with a little meditation of my daily blessings. Like the other day when Emily was in town, she came to work with me and pointed out that the whole day, the crosswalk was green for us. One of my dear girlfriends is training to be a life coach and she does this awesome
penny project on the side and she rates each joy in her day as pennies. So meeting up for coffee with a friend is like finding a paper bill. Getting a seat on the metro is the equivalent of seeing a quarter on the sidewalk. That type of thing. With all the doom and gloom present in the news and on TV and guys that don't give up their seats on the metro (see Lin's blog for an awesome commentary on THAT one), it's nice to remember that the small things up. Coinstar proves that.
On another note, I LOVE THE COFFEE HOUSE RADIO STATION. Seriously, if you have not checked it out (its on yahoo radio and XM), it will definitely put in you a great mood. It's like when Emily found a $10 bill on the ground (same day as the crosswalks--that was a GREAT day!!).
I have a meeting at 8:30 am so I need to call it a night. I'll leave you with my project for the weekend, a praxinoscope. Actually it's our project. James builds, I watch. We saw one of the children's museum and we're going to make a small one for our coffee table.

Happy Almost Friday!
1 comment:
what on god's earth is a praxinoscope?? can you use it to look into alternate universes? if so, i'm totally coming over!
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