So one of the things I didn't really quite think through on the whole living solo is the fact that I'd be solo, in fact, quite a bit. If anyone knows me at all, they know this has to be one of the most challenging things for me to do. When we were kids, Lin could play by herself in the closet with a plastic dinosaur, for say, 3 days. Me, I got bored in like 2 minutes if I wasn't being entertained by someone. So I am learning how to savor the nowness of me. Sure, it's a bit easier since I'm surrounded with about 300 boxes screaming my name to unpack them, that's served as a bit of a distraction. But once I finish, which hopefully will be sometime before Christmas, then I'll really have to learn how to be alone. Which, sometimes, can be lonely. And other times, which is what I'm hoping to learn, is the best thing of all.
excuse me, 3 days is a bit of an exaggeration, dude. just because i could play alone in my closet for a couple of hours doesn't mean i'd do it for 3 days. i had to come out and annoy you after a while.
Lindsey used to play by herself in the closet.... hmmm.
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