Friday, October 24, 2008

my blessings

okay so it seems the world is going to hell in a handbasket. james woke me up this AM with the glorious news that the stock market was closed today because the global stock markets all crashed last night. YAH. In light of the fact that my other option is take up some serious vice-ridden habits to deal with this ever increasing mountain of stresses, i've decided instead to focus on the ways in which i'm blessed. Somebody told me once that if you keep smiling when you want to frown, then eventually you become happier. It was probably someone on Xanax, but I'm going to give it a try.

1. I have a roof over my head. It is a nice roof and has hot water. There is nothing in our refridgerator but I do have 30 boxes of nutri-system meals Mom gave me because they were too nasty for her to eat. I will not starve.

2. I have family and friends who love me very dearly. And do wonderful things for me. If i am not somewhere where others are, they always tell me they missed me. They may be lying, but it's a nice lie.

3. Somebody who is fully aware of the fact that I press snooze 23 times before getting up every morning, cannot load a dishwasher correctly and listens only once every 15 times he speaks wants to marry me and put up with my crap for a long, long time.

4. I live 8 miles from my mother, father and favorite cousin, 10 miles from my sister and less than a mile to the closest Trader Joes. Lovely and convenient.

5. I get a daily dose of delightful doggie kisses.

6. I have a job, for the time being. I get paid pretty well for having enough time to blog mid-day.

7. I have a car, and live in a city with excellent public transportation. The reason I am cold in October is because I am too lazy to change out my wardrobe, not because I don't have a coat to keep me warm.

8. I believe in a God that says even if I am a major turd and don't go to Church nearly enough he'll still give me a chance for eternal bliss. Phish wrote the song Bliss, which makes me happy and I'm blessed to have heard it live before.

9. People, more often than not, give me the benefit of the doubt and I am blessed to work in an place where I have been called an "expert." They have no idea what they are talking about, but that's okay.

I was going to go to ten but I just called my grandma as my mom is down there visiting. She informed me they were going to go today and pay for her funeral because she wants to take care of business before she dies. And then follow it up with a trip to Walmart. This obviously upset me and now I'm just boo hooing so I can't think of anything else. I am blessed to stil have a living--albeit crazy--grandmother. That's number 10. But my god, these Sablich woman are going to be the death of me!

When it rains, it pours, Momma just told me. Yah. Pours pee and crazy grandmas.


jacob said...

11. I was not peed on today

Unknown said...

ill make sure that happens tonight!