So again, I am not sleeping. I am writing a blog entry at 6 am. I've been up since four. Lindsey, my dear sole reader, is probably asking, "Why?" Because Hurley peed on my head. Yes, my dog woke me up at 4 am by pissing on my head. Lots. So I got up immediately, after being convinced he hadn't just heavily spit on me, and got in the tub. Then I bathed Hurley since he also covered himself in pee. At least he didn't leave me dripping by myself, I guess. Since I can't go back to sleep in my bed, as I had to pull up half the sheets (James is still passed out, only waking to proclaim, "I guess I'm not going to get any sleep," UM HELLO I WAS THE ONE THAT WAS PEED ON!! and then promptly going back to sleep) I had to sleep on the couch. As soon as I turned off the lights, Ick decided it was a better time as any to throw up on me and all over my blanket. Get up, add to the laundry that was already being washed from pee, lay back on the couch. Lights out. Ick repeat. Try not to get ill yourself. Do this like 4 times. In between, have Ick jump off the couch to puke behind Hurley's cage, meaning I had to pull out half the things in the closet to clean THAT up. So long story short, I am facing another long day with little sleep. Yah! And yet as I type this, both my dogs are laying next to me with their big doggie eyes saying "What? You still adore us more than anything. Get over it." So I guess I will.
Oh man. Aaron can sleep through a tornado, but I can hear a cat barfing from across the house. And then I have to do something about it, while he sleeps. It isn't fair.
Also, I can't believe your dog PEED ON YOU. This is why I have an old cranky dog who would rather hold it for two days than pee in the house. ZERO PERCENT CHANCE OF GETTING PEED ON IN BED.
not just on me, ON MY HEAD! i'm surprised ivy doesn't get sick with all that nasty raw meat she eats!
I am laughing so hard! I know, it's not my head so I find it hilarious....this is totally something Murphy would do to my mom
omg! that just made my night! sorry nik, but i havent laughes so hard for days... I MISS YOU!
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