Thursday, June 26, 2008

Before Fashion Fare. After Fashion Fare.

I told you Lin was good. This is a bit scary, particularly because I had to go to work like this for a couple of hours before the audition. Oh, who I am kidding. I look like this every day. I was a bit concerned that the makeup trainer was going to tell Lin to do "Rock Star Goth Punk. Go." Luckily the scenario was better aligned to allow me to go back to work without washing my face. Do I look like an attorney going up for partner? :)


lindsey said...

you look like your sister knows what she's doing! :)

lindsey said...

by the way, it's fashion FAIR, fool. muwahaha!

Unknown said...

Where is the white eyeliner?! And the neon eyeshadow? Has Lindsey's signature (and oft-photographed in extreme close-up) style of 1998 been left by the wayside?

Looks good. Although I think it's kind of cheating for her to put makeup on you, because you pretty much have the same face (makeup wise). Especially the nose!