Monday, June 30, 2008

i am regressing to the 7th grade

Okay. It's been, um, about 18 years since I really had a celebrity crush. Emilio Estevez. I wrote him a fan letter (looking back, I think I may have been a bit creepy about this), wore a picture of him around my locket and once, at a slumber part at Jessica Giffin's house, I think I even pasted a picture of his face I had carefully cut out from Big Bopper on my pillow.

Since then, I have continued my overall affections of celebrities through my hard core addiction to and everything crap that comes via a glossy magazine. And I believe this really is an addiction. I have an embarassingly thorough knowledge of Hollywood, their 2 week long marriages and bizarre children names (Moxie Crimefighter? Pilot Inspektor? Really? And this is coming from a person who had some ecletic barbie doll names, so I am not usually one to judge). In fact, I believe Mother and I can have a 2 hour conversation that to outsiders may resemble us discussing world news, but in fact, we are exchanging tidbits about our favorite celebrity train-wrecks. I knew it might be a problem when at my friend Myrna Sloan's 30th birthday party, i blew everyone else out of the water during the celeb trivia game, resulting one party-goer to comment, "Do you have any outside activities?"

Anyway, I am afraid I have fallen back into 7th grade. I LOVE Chris Martin. Love him. I think he is the most magnificent talented creature on the planet. I loved him the first time I saw the video for Yellow, back when Coldplay was new on the scene. His face was just expressive, it seemed absolutely perfect. And I just downloaded Viva La Vida, and combined with a view of their recent Today Show performance, I am now officially head over heels. I am almost hoping he puts out a "Don't mess with the Zohan" type movie, so like Lin's fallen love for Adam Sandler, I can move on with my life. But for now, I'll just put my itunes on repeat and dream. :)

For the record, I am happily engaged and love the man I am going to marry. But if I was Ross on Friends, and had one of those "celebrity lists," I'd definitely have to put Chris Martin as number one.

Sighness. You think you've come so far...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Before Fashion Fare. After Fashion Fare.

I told you Lin was good. This is a bit scary, particularly because I had to go to work like this for a couple of hours before the audition. Oh, who I am kidding. I look like this every day. I was a bit concerned that the makeup trainer was going to tell Lin to do "Rock Star Goth Punk. Go." Luckily the scenario was better aligned to allow me to go back to work without washing my face. Do I look like an attorney going up for partner? :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Live from the Internets

Here I am. An official blogger. Pretty exciting.

Today I went with Lin for a "makeup audition." I was her ever-patient model. I am really amazed at the amount of talent she has. I'll upload my before/after shot tonight so you can get a feel for what an incredible job she did. And if she gets this job, which I'm sure she will, I expect a good percentage of her free makeup allowance. Just putting it out there. :)

Tonight James and I are going to get the results of our pre-cana questionairre. The priest that's going over the results with us is actually a PHd candidate for conflict resolution. Should be interesting. And a bit scary. We shall see!

I'm still a bit groggy from last night's book reading (yes you can get a headache from a book reading!) but as with any good DC party, I found myself rubbing elbows with a famous person (at least according to East Coast standards), Karl Rove! Yah for little bush!

As Mom tells Gizmo when he's hungry before his scheduled 5:30 dinner, After Later!!