Okay. It's been, um, about 18 years since I really had a celebrity crush. Emilio Estevez. I wrote him a fan letter (looking back, I think I may have been a bit creepy about this), wore a picture of him around my locket and once, at a slumber part at Jessica Giffin's house, I think I even pasted a picture of his face I had carefully cut out from Big Bopper on my pillow.
Since then, I have continued my overall affections of celebrities through my hard core addiction to People.com and everything crap that comes via a glossy magazine. And I believe this really is an addiction. I have an embarassingly thorough knowledge of Hollywood, their 2 week long marriages and bizarre children names (Moxie Crimefighter? Pilot Inspektor? Really? And this is coming from a person who had some ecletic barbie doll names, so I am not usually one to judge). In fact, I believe Mother and I can have a 2 hour conversation that to outsiders may resemble us discussing world news, but in fact, we are exchanging tidbits about our favorite celebrity train-wrecks. I knew it might be a problem when at my friend Myrna Sloan's 30th birthday party, i blew everyone else out of the water during the celeb trivia game, resulting one party-goer to comment, "Do you have any outside activities?"
Anyway, I am afraid I have fallen back into 7th grade. I LOVE Chris Martin. Love him. I think he is the most magnificent talented creature on the planet. I loved him the first time I saw the video for Yellow, back when Coldplay was new on the scene. His face was just expressive, it seemed absolutely perfect. And I just downloaded Viva La Vida, and combined with a view of their recent Today Show performance, I am now officially head over heels. I am almost hoping he puts out a "Don't mess with the Zohan" type movie, so like Lin's fallen love for Adam Sandler, I can move on with my life. But for now, I'll just put my itunes on repeat and dream. :)
For the record, I am happily engaged and love the man I am going to marry. But if I was Ross on Friends, and had one of those "celebrity lists," I'd definitely have to put Chris Martin as number one.
Sighness. You think you've come so far...