I have no idea how it got to be Thanksgiving. I left for Africa and it was October and I got back and the weather had changed and holiday music was on the radio. And now it's the Wednesday before the big Turkey pig-out and more than ever I have so much to be thankful for. So I thought I'd make a list so that come January when I'm knee deep in snow and summer is literally months away, I can remember how blessed I actually am. Here goes:
1. A ridiculous amount of love in my life, from both family and friends and certain little puppy dogs. Particularly one that I'm pretty sure is my soulmate in canine form.
2. For having a job that is a calling and being able to FINALLY wake up every day and tackle my passions. For getting to experience the beauty and wonder and heartbreak that is Africa.
3. That Lindsey lives a ten minute metro ride away and Jacob lives within a stone throw of my new condo. I literally have the best relatives in the world.
4. That I have a new condo. And that I have family members who get a kick out of organizing closets and kitchen cabinets so I can be in charge of the beer distribution.
5. That I, and only I, get to determine who I will love, what I will do, where I will live and how my life plays out. As I have realized since working for CARE, there are so many people who have no say and it's an incredible blessing.
6. That my parents are the most absolutely supportive and encouraging people on the planet.
7. For my two godbabies, one of which came into my life this year.
8. For my two besties, one who had a baby this year and one who will have one early next year. I am so lucky to know such incredible people, and so happy they decided to procreate.
9. That Jon and Kate Plus 8 is off the air.
10. For Lindsey's Bourbon Apple Pie. And for boubon in general, especially when it's in the form of Paralyzing Punch.
11. For a year's worth of incredible travels.
12. For knowing people that inspire me to be a better person every day.
13. That Adam is no longer attending Clark family thanksgivings.
14. For living in an interesting and vibrant city that more than ten years after arriving, is still one of my favorite places in the world.
15. For 40 years of Tom and Nancy loving. Of all the things I am thankful for, there marriage has led to literally every good thing in my life. My perspective and passion for life and love, my sister's lack of an upper lip, the opportunity to be inspired and loved and blessed every day of my life.
The list goes on and on and I could not possible capture everything I am thankful for. I hope that your list and bellies this Thanksgiving are full. Happy holidays to everyone!
We Moved!!!
13 years ago