Thursday, May 28, 2009

Living By Yourself Means Being Alone. A LOT!

So one of the things I didn't really quite think through on the whole living solo is the fact that I'd be solo, in fact, quite a bit. If anyone knows me at all, they know this has to be one of the most challenging things for me to do. When we were kids, Lin could play by herself in the closet with a plastic dinosaur, for say, 3 days. Me, I got bored in like 2 minutes if I wasn't being entertained by someone. So I am learning how to savor the nowness of me. Sure, it's a bit easier since I'm surrounded with about 300 boxes screaming my name to unpack them, that's served as a bit of a distraction. But once I finish, which hopefully will be sometime before Christmas, then I'll really have to learn how to be alone. Which, sometimes, can be lonely. And other times, which is what I'm hoping to learn, is the best thing of all.

Monday, May 18, 2009

How Could I Forget??

How could I possibly forget?? In the time between my last blog, I have become the sole renter of my own apartment. The truck comes Saturday and I've been moving stuff slowly over, but it's adorable and all my very own!! Can't wait to share after pics....Here's some befores...

My new bathroom with bowl sink (fancy!!) and italian tile flooring

View of the Kitchen

Bedroom with french doors

Another view of kitchen

Living Room

31.31 and champagne slumber parties

So Saturday I turned the big 31. Lin had planned a slumber party out at Sarah Stein's house but as it turned out, only Lin and Hill and I could go. Everyone else was out of town, working, nothing unusual. We're a busy group. But when we got there, everyone, and I mean everyone! jumped out of the closet and surprised me! I am so blessed to have such awesome friends. I think I cried for about 30 minutes. We had such a blast! Apples to Apples (leafblowers are deadly!!), champagne, Step it Up, carrot cake cupcakes, and the best friends a girl could imagine. Plus, Lin created a "Do You Know Niki" game that cracked us all up! It was perfect. And even when we went to Bloom for more champagne, my total was $31.31! Serendipity. I got birthday wishes from friends near and far, and I just can't imagine how I could be any more blessed. Lin even gave me a BEAUTIMOUS canary diamond (in the raw) ring that is so unique and so special. Many pictures to come soon, but I just wanted to say THANK YOU once again for everyone's wishes. I feel like I really have a new leash on life and am swimming in happiness and love!!!

My New "I'm Married to My Sis Sis" Ring!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Beach Week(end) 09

I had a bit of trepidation of how I was going to deal with this weekend. Was I going to be super upset? Would everything be clouded over by this little gnawing fact that I was supposed to be saying I do instead of hanging out with the fam in Delaware? Although I think there was a moment or two that my emotions were a bit overwhelming, all in all it was an awesome weekend.

I woke up to a text that said I was the proud owner of my very first apartment ALL BY MYSELF!! Being 31, this seems like it should have happened before but somehow I've missed out on this and have always lived with someone. And i get to move in starting next weekend, so I am sooo very excited. It's adorable. I'll post some pics once I get settled in. It was a bit overcast so we decided to head to a local bar which was celebrating it's 10th anniversary with $3.50 margaritas, which was a ton of fun. I also bought myself a super cool necklace. There's nothing like retail therapy! There was a tear or two at the bar whenever my mind would wander but my great brother-in-law cheered me up and we all agreed it was an incredible new beginning.

Later that night, we all marked the occasion at 6 pm with a little toast and continued to bet on the Kentucky Derby which was finally getting started. And guess who won? Fate was on my side and I won my first horse bet, a whopping $35 which both paid for my necklace and the baseball game we're going to tomorrow. This morning after a run on the beach, we hit the road. It was a bittersweet weekend, but I had a great time and I am so very blessed to have such an amazing family. I may not have spent much time on the beach, but it was just the weekend I needed. I think somebody up there has something special planned for me!

Way back in April....

I saw my boyfriend Ben (Gibbard) at DAR Constitution Hall. I was slightly disappointed (although the show was excellent) to discover he'd lost a ton of weight. And gotten contacts! I know that's the oppposite of a typical reaction, but the pudgy face, glasses look has always appealed to me. It must Zoey's persuasions. Anyway, lucky me, his voice is just as amazing as ever!

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