So my besties Em and Katy mailed me all 4 of the Twilight series books once they discovered I was like one of 6 females in America that still hadn't read them. I toodled around for a while..I had a couple of other books on my list first. But now, less than 2 weeks since I started the first one, I find myself done. The ride to Indy is long, but these books were like some sort of crazy addiction, i couldn't put them down! And now that it's all over, there is a bit (okay A LOT) of sadness in my heart knowing it's ended. I still have the movie to look forward to, and I just got the soundtrack, but it's been such a long time since I felt so attached to book characters. In no way am I saying the literary genius of Stephenie Meyer compares to say, Wally Lamb. Bella is no Dolores. But getting so wrapped up in a story is a hard thing for an author to do to this book nerd. I mean, my reading was as ravenous as it was when I was 7 in Baton Rouge and trying to meet my self-imposed "50 books read" in 3 months during the annual Summer Read-a-thon at the local library. And now, still on the road, in the midst of a horrendous thunderstorm, I wonder. What can I read next? What will capture my attention without continuously drifting off to daydreams of Edward Cullen? One things for sure, I have definitely been bitten with Twilight Fever. My idea of the perfect man will never be the same!
you give me the creeps dude. i still haven't read those books and i refuse to read them. i don't care how engaging the characters are. it's a book about vampires. read something educational and get over yourself. muwah.
dude. you have no idea. you can't knock it until you try it.
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