One of the never at home things I did yesterday was go to Mardi Gras, DC-style at Lin's new apartment. She made homemade shrimp jambalaya and had king cake too. YUMMY. Although the king cake was blue, green and gold, it was pretty good. No Haydel's though.

Blue, Green and Gold!

Lin's HOMEMADE Jambalaya!
But now that Fat Tuesday has passed (and it always make me so reminscent of home!) and Lent has set in, I turn my thoughts to 40 days of self improvement and fixings! First and foremost, I announce to my blogging world, I QUIT SMOKING. I haven't been much a smoker since James left, about one pack a week, but still. I told Momma I'd give up for Lent and I'm giving it a go. So keep me in your thoughts. I've smoked on and off for years, so it's going to be a challenge. But as my uncle always says, ANYTHING is possible with God!
Hoping you have a peaceful Lenten season....