Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowcalypse 2010!

As I write this, I am hunkered down with a bunch of Foreign Service study materials, lots of lit candles and three snuggly dogs. The snow outside is unreal, and it's not stopping. I was up at 8 am (THAT HASN'T HAPPENED SINCE NOVEMBER!), shoveled the walkway, made some coffee and took a shower. Not really sure why I'm being so productive as it's near impossible to leave the house. Although Lin, being the hard head that she is, decided to make the 4 mile round trip trek to go to yoga, which is amazingly enough open. So I'm left here with the dogs and case management memos. It's actually really nice. We took the dogs out this AM and poor Hurley is the only one who doesn't have an L.L. Bean jacket, and the only-non cotton item of clothing he owns is a ladybug costume. I'm sure if he spoke English it would include some derogatory statements towards his mother! Well back to the studying, but I hope all my East Coast peeps are safe and warm!!

My feet in the snow!

Shepherd Street

Hurley in his winter gear

Lin and Link brave the snow!

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