Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2010..a month later

So besides the normal exercise more, eat healthier bull crap I pull every year, I also resolve starting February 2nd to blog more. Didn't want to be one of those band wagoners that would have fallen off by now by starting January 1. And it's not like anyone ever reads my blog, I just like keep a journaling of my daily happenings. It's fun to look back at older blogs and see how far (or how little!) i've come. Biggest news on the horizon is that I take my Foreign Service Oral exams in less than 3 weeks. OH MY GOD. I have a PACKED few weeks ahead of study sessions, talking to myself in the mirror, memorizing flashcards, etc. As I may have mentioned, I got laid off early November so lucky me, I've gots lots of daytime to study. So keep your fingers crossed. In other news, my bestest best girlfriend Katherine is expecting her first little girl in May. I CANNOT WAIT. I know it will be the most beautiful creature to grace the planet and can't wait to be auntie bitsy. Otherwise life is going swimmingly. I am healthy, the family is good. The only downspot is that my beautiful grandma passed away on January 6th. But even that is good when looked at the right way because she died in her sleep peacefully and we had the most amazing Christmas with her in St. Augustine, Fla. I miss her dearly but know I've got another guardian angel looking out for me up there.

Things to look forward to 2010 (my best one yet, I just know it!):

* Finding a job I love (whether it be FS or elsewhere)
* Hurley finally being housetrained
* Lots of love and friendship
* Katy and Todd's baby girl
* More running (no more marathons)
* A fabulous vacation that is yet to be determined
* Lindsey's 30th birthday
* Sarah Stein's wedding festivities
* The Saints winning the superbowl (IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN!!)
* Learning Italian

Hope 2010 is treating all of you dear 8 readers (if I haven't lost you yet!) with much joy, love and like all of us in DC, lots and lots of snow!!!

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