Wednesday, February 3, 2010

100 posts in!

Woop woop!! This is my official 100th post as a blogger. BOOYAH. So sticking to my resolution of blogging, here I am again, Day 2. I also resolved to wake up early (10:15 is early yes?) and be more productive. So I'm having my morning coffee and drinking a slim fast (resolution ad nauseum) and getting ready for the day. Apparently rumors are swirling around of yet ANOTHER snow blizzard this weekend. Ughness. It's beautiful and all, but really? I need to be able to leave the house. So hopefully it's not the monster storm of 2010 but more like a light dusting.

I've got lots to do so I'll keep it short, but I'll leave you with my daily thought from the Universe. If you haven't signed up for these puppies I highly suggest you do. Just google TUT Thoughts from the Universe. They are priceless. Here's mine for today:

Every day, Niki, someone new falls in love with you.

Sometimes many more.

You can't deny it,
The Universe

Nice way to start the day yes?

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